Aktuelle Beiträge

  • Career Planning: More than just job-hunting

    Over the past few years, as I’ve worked with young scientists on their career plans, I’ve noticed a common trend. Many tend to fixate solely on the ultimate goal of securing a job. While getting a job is undeniably important, starting with scanning job postings and skipping the necessary preparatory steps can inadvertently complicate the process. Career planning involves much… mehr lesen

  • The Paradox of Choice

    Have you ever stood in the bread aisle in a gigantic supermarket and been totally overwhelmed by the huge range of options that you had? I definitely have, and I strongly remember a situation in a local supermarket during my Postdoc time in the US, where I felt almost paralyzed in front of a probably 25-meter-long shelf, filled with bread… mehr lesen

  • Networking for introverts

    Take a look at the photo. What is your first feeling, your first thought that comes to your mind? (“Great food, now I’m hungry” or “Where are your face masks???” don’t count). Be honest with yourself: Is this a situation that you would actively seek out and thoroughly enjoy? If your answer is “Yes, this is awesome, I get to meet… mehr lesen

  • How to thrive in home-office

    As a freelancer who quit her office job last year and is now mostly working from home, I know what challenges some of you might be facing right now. And as if changing from an interactive job in a big team to a “one-woman show” wasn’t enough, I also moved from a city with over 500’000 inhabitants to a village… mehr lesen

  • Spend more time in nature & de-stress your life

    The new year has started, and maybe one of your New Year’s Resolutions was to take it easier this year?  But maybe you’re already back to your “normal” stressed self? In my job I often meet young scientists who are stressed out. In fact, mental health and well-being of young scientists are increasingly causing concern1-4. Changing the system takes time,… mehr lesen

Über mich

Hi, ich bin Iris Köhler. Hier schreibe ich zu den Themen Karriere­planung und Stress­management.
