Career Planning

Are you ready to explore your career path?
Find out here about our offers for individuals.

Career planning for individuals

There are many career paths open to doctoral researchers and postdocs. However, many young scientists do not think about their career planning at all or only at a late stage. However, the earlier this process is started, the easier the next career step will be – within or outside of academic research.

You are working on your doctorate or as a postdoc and are not sure how to proceed in your career? You need support or guidance to plan the next steps in your career path, but unfortunately there is currently no suitable offer at your academic institution? We support you in your career planning with various offers:

Self-study coursesCareer Academy

The self-study courses of the The Scientist Coach Career Academy support you in your career planning.

More information about the courses and conditions can be found on the homepage of the Career Academy (external link):

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ApplicationCoaching & Documentcheck

Are you applying for jobs outside academia and wondering whether your documents are convincing? Or have you already received an invitation to an interview and would like to prepare yourself in the best possible way for the interview? Dr. Sarah de Carvalho Hartmann will be happy to support you.

You can find more information on the Career Academy homepage (external links):

Application Check

Application Coaching


Coaching “Die Kompetenzenbilanz”

Do you find it difficult to describe your competencies and present them in a way that is suitable for non-university employers? As a certified “Kompetenzenbilanz” coach (engl.: balance of competencies), Dr. Iris Köhler would be happy to support you in creating your personal profile of competencies. The “Kompetenzenbilanz” is a scientifically based procedure to identify competencies that people have acquired based on their professional and non-professional activities, their individual development, their qualifications and their learning experiences.

Please note: Unfortunately I currently cannot accept new private coaching clients due to capacity reasons.

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Career CommunityFor young scientists

Scientific exchange with colleagues gives you new ideas and keeps you up to date. Why not use the advantages of a good network for your career planning as well?! Find out here about my free offers for your career planning and networking!

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Sounds good? Let’s get in touch!

Your are a doctoral researcher or postdoc and you have questions about my offers? Feel free to call me, send me an email or use the contact form.

I am looking forward to your inquiry!

Yours sincerely, Dr. Iris Köhler

Please note: Unfortunately I currently cannot accept new private coaching clients due to capacity reasons.

+49 (0) 9187 9098014
+49 (0) 1522 3444065