The Scientist Coach

We support young scientists to find their career path. Find out about our popular courses and coaching offers!


Career planning for scientific institutions

You would like to support your doctoral researchers and postdocs to confidently take the next career step? We offer you a variety of flexible course and coaching formats around the topic of career planning, tailored specifically to your requirements. Courses and coaching sessions can be conducted in both German or English.

Career planning is a process that requires some time for reflection and research. For this reason we preferably offer our courses online over a period of several weeks as a combination of webinars, self-study phase and one-on-one coaching sessions. Feedback from our course participants confirms the greater effectiveness of this format. However, if you would like to offer a one to two-day on-site course, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together we will find a suitable solution.

Find out here about our courses and coaching offers:


The Career Academy for Young Scientists is a new online self-study course package especially for young scientists! It is based on six popular courses from The Scientist Coach. These are now available in a new online format for flexible and self-paced learning! The courses cover the entire career planning process – from the fundamental questions “Who am I, what can I do, what do I want?” to the application process and preparation for job interviews! You can find more information here (external link):

Table of contents

Intensive CourseCareer planning

Young scientists can choose from a variety of career options. However, they often struggle with finding out which career path they would like to pursue, or they are not sure about the requirements to follow a specific career path. In this seminar, participants will reflect on their goals, competencies, values and interests. They will discover interesting career options within and outside academia, and they will create their individual career development plans.

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Special CourseCompentency profile

Young scientists are often lacking awareness of their competencies. However, it is fundamental that they can put their competencies into words, if they would like to apply successfully for positions within and outside academia. Based on the "Kompetenzenbilanz" coaching method course participants will analyze their competencies in detail in form of a group coaching. In this way, they will know their strengths and will be able to present them successfully to non-university employers.

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WorkshopNetworking & LinkedIn

Data on staff recruitment in Germany show that most vacancies are filled through personal network contacts. However, oftentimes the importance of a professional network is underestimated by young scientists and networking is perceived as awkward or exhausting. This workshop is designed to make young scientists aware of the importance of networking for their career planning, to show them best practices, and to guide them to plan their own networking activities. A special focus is put on the use of online platforms like LinkedIn.

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WorkshopJob Applications & Interviewing

Young scientists often have many questions when it comes to writing job applications and preparing for interviews. They lack experience with the whole application and interviewing process and are unsure how to deal with typical job interview questions. This interactive, competency-based workshop covers best-practices of preparing for job interviews and focusses on their practical application. It is designed to help young scientists tackle the job interview process with confidence.

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CoachingCareer & competencies

Doctoral researchers and postdocs do have many career options! But often they are unsure which one to choose. If you only brood on your own, you will probably go around in circles and not get anywhere. That is exactly where this career coaching can help you! During the coaching, new perspectives and ways of thinking will open up in professional dialogue. The career coaching helps doctoral researchers and postdocs to make informed decisions and take action about their future career, and to be self-confident (and self-aware!) in taking or preparing the next career step.

Table of contents

Sounds good? Let's get in touch!

You work at a university or non-university research institution and you are interested in my offer? Feel free to call me, send me an email or use the contact form.

I am looking forward to your inquiry!

Yours sincerely, Dr. Iris Köhler

+49 (0) 9187 9098014
+49 (0) 1522 3444065