HR Development

We support you with professional offers for your personnel development. Find out about our new courses and coaching sessions here!


HR Development for Scientific Institutions

We offer you a wide range of flexible course and coaching formats on the subject of personnel development that are tailored to the requirements of scientists. Courses and coaching sessions can be held in German or English.

For young academics on their way to a professorship or to setting up their first research group, the challenge of personnel selection takes centre stage. We understand the importance of putting together the right team and therefore offer you our specialised courses on the topic of “Professional Personnel Selection”.

Our aim is to provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to select the right people to maximise the success of research projects.

Find out more about our range of courses and coaching programmes here:

WorkshopUnconscious Bias

No one is free from bias and often it is unconscious. In this workshop, you will discover hidden biases and learn how to recognise and overcome them in order to create a fairer and more inclusive working environment.

Table of Contents

Intensive CourseSupervision

Supervising graduate students is expected of professors upon appointment, and they are assumed to have the tools and knowledge to do so. In order to manage this important and complex task well, professional competence as well as leadership skills and communication strategies are required. This workshop provides an overview of possible forms of supervision and explores their scope and limitations.

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Intensive CoursePersonnel Selection

In this course, you will gain the necessary expertise and practical skills to effectively select highly qualified employees and successfully build your team. You will benefit from practical case studies, role plays and individual feedback to improve your selection skills and strengthen your team.

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CoachingFor Scientific Managers

Dr. Sarah de Carvalho Hartmann is at your disposal for individual consultations on application and personnel selection processes and for a sustainable composition of your (new) teams.

Table of Contents

Sounds good? Let’s get in touch!

You work at a university or non-university research institution and you are interested in my offer? Feel free to call me, send me an email or use the contact form.

I am looking forward to your inquiry!

Yours sincerely, Dr. Iris Köhler

+49 (0) 9187 9098014
+49 (0) 1522 3444065