The Scientist Coach

Stressed out by everyday life in science?
Then take a break from the lab, and off into nature!
Here you can find out more about our innovative online-outdoor concept!

Stress management & mental health

The doctoral and postdoctoral phase is an exciting and challenging time. You invest a lot of time, energy and passion in your project. Sometimes, your work-life balance gets out of control.

Constant stress, lack of rest, intrinsic stress amplifiers and external pressures can lead to reduced performance and health problems in the long term.

It is therefore important to reflect on your own stress response and to learn suitable coping strategies and integrate them into your everyday life.

Online-/Outdoor CourseTake a break from the lab!

In this online course with outdoor elements, you will reflect on your current work situation and your individual handling of stress. You will learn stress management techniques for a healthy and effective way of working, taking into account relaxation techniques and mindfulness training in nature. You will be able to exchange ideas and network with other participants via an online forum.

Contact me for availability!

Table of contents

You are interested in the online course?

You are interested in the online course “Take a break from the lab!” and you would like to be notified once it is available online? Then please do not hesitate to send me short message via the contact form. I will contact you as soon as the course is available.

Yours sincerely, Dr. Iris Köhler